نآيس الفكره, بس خلي الأختبآرآت تخلص ,,
حلوه الفكره الآولىآ, آذآ سويتوهآ آعملو بنر
عشآن الشعب المنتدآوي يعرف بالمسآبقه,
a REAL back :P
I don't think we have to delete it, because it may get replies later
Do you mean we pick up the links of the books only and put it, we put the links of the threads that have books' links, or we just add these posts to the reference thread as we do with the requests?
كنت آقصد نضيف اللينكآت للموضوع , بس مآ عليك من هذآك الكلآم,
أحسن أننآ ندمج الموآضيع زي مآقلتي, نرتب حوسة القسم,, ,
I prefer the last one .. because we will solve the mess without deleting
The threads that will be added will be only
1. Dictionaries
2.TOEFL Material
3. IELTS Material
and any English teaching books...
No stories and novels as u suggested earlier ... Do you all agree
sounds good, hopefully we will have book discussions, why not :P
يس الكل موآفق ,, الحين شوفي موضوع تش-آح هذآ ..
لو تدمجي موآضيع القوآميس و التوفل ...الخ هنآ آحسن, مآ يحتآج تسوي موضوع جديد,, ,
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